Saturday 19 February 2011


DNA rarest (deoxyribonucleric acid)

DNA mode identifies - First European Farmers

HIV STRUCTURE CD4+ white blood cell, and the spot on its surface and the spiky blue objects inthe foreground represnt HIV particles.

Human Immunodeficiency Virus- Structure
The proteins gp 120 & gp41 togetber make up the spikes that project from HIV particles while p 17 forms the matrix & p24 forms the core

Assembly, Buddidng & maturation. This electron microscope photo shows newly formed HIV particle budding from a human cell.

DNA, or deoxyriboknucleic acid, is the hereditry material in humans and almost all other organism. Nearly every cell in a person's body has the same DNA. Most DNA is located in the cell nucleus it is called mitochondrial DNA OR mtDNA.

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